Legal Implications of Joint Ventures and Partnerships
Corporate Law What Is It, Varieties, Examples, Importance
This response is known as an “Answer.†There are strict timelines for service of the Complaint on the Defendant, in addition to the submitting of the Defendant’s Answer to the Complaint with the court. The UNCLOS defines the high seas as all parts of the ocean that are not within a state’s EEZ, territorial sea or inside waters. There are six freedoms of the high seas—navigation, overflight, laying submarine cables and pipelines, developing synthetic islands, fishing and scientific research—some of which Law News are subject to legal restrictions. Ships within the high seas are deemed to have the nationality of the flag that they have the proper to fly and no different state can exercise jurisdiction over them; the exception is ships used for piracy, which are subject to common jurisdiction. Be a law to / unto oneself, to comply with one’s own inclinations, guidelines of behavior, etc.; act independently or unconventionally, particularly with out regard for established mores.